Thursday, August 6, 2020

Getting Started


I love cooking. The more abstract, the better. I got this crazy idea while watching an international cooking video: why not try to cook a meal from every country in the world? I did a Google search, and discovered this meant 195 meals from 195 countries. After getting a list of all the countries, I searched each country to see what the national food was. Some had specific meals, some had a food item the country was known for. (Confession: I did not vet any of the information I got – I literally Googled what the national dish for the country was, and found a recipe. I don’t mean to offend if it is not correct!)

Due to my own dietary restrictions, I found myself unable to make the recipes the way the original recipe was written. So, I decided to try making some of these foods according to my own restrictions. Due to the brilliant idea of my husband, I wanted to document this adventure. Thus, the 41,936,935th food blog was born!

I'm hoping to do one dish per week, but we'll see how that goes :-)  In each post, I will provide the recipe I used, with my modifications. My husband and I will both rate the meal, based on overall taste, spiciness (heat), and flavor (bland vs. packed with flavor). We hope you enjoy this experience with us!

First stop…Peru!

 Flag of Peru (state).svg

